I knew from my experience in Animal Assisted Services that with attunement and safety a new story could be found in the body and that patterns could change inside. These experiences brought me a great desire to learn about what was going to support my clients the most on their healing journey with and without an animal present. I wanted my clients to have deep and sustainable healing. I wanted to find ways to help clients, both child and adult, heal from the inside out.

This brought me to EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and Transforming Touch. These modalities allowed for a wholistic experience for the body to be heard. Once the body was heard we could understand the way the brain interprets that information to tell a story about us and the world we live in. When brining attention to these internal sensation and states, belief systems are able to be worked through in new ways and old patterns can be let go. The ability to be witnessed authentically helps re-shape the nervous system, tap into the internal healing mechanism, and allow the body to tell the brain a new story.

Along the way I have been given the amazing opportunity to share my knowledge with others; whether it was with the University of Denver, Institute For Human Animal Connection Certificate program, animal assisted services small group and individual consultation, or as an approved EMDR consultant through EMDRIA (EMDR International Association) I love discussing these passion areas and exploring ways to help other professionals tap into the healing powers they are learning and sharing with their own clients.

For more information about me, my teachings, or the modalities I am studying please don’t hesitate to reach out!

About Alison

Hi, My name is Alison Leslie and I am excited to share my passion of supporting others with you. I grew up in the midwest and after some extended time in Colorado, learning about myself, obtaining my MSW, and falling in love I moved to Bloomington in 2010 to start the next chapters of my life both personally and professionally.

Over the past decade I have discovered so much about the healing experience and ways to unlock and let go of the trauma and negative belief systems we hold about ourselves and the world. In the process I learned the importance of having a deep understanding of what happens both psychologically and physiologically to us when we endure events that are too much, too overwhelming, and happen too quickly for our internal system to manage. These can be one -time big events or smaller wounds that happen time and time again throughout our lives. Either way, our body is storing and recording everything all the time and trying to keep us safe using old patterns and belief systems to get us through the current moment.